Wow...I can't believe a whole month has gone by since I've had time to post in my blog...I've been so busy working on the team website, and finally getting around to making my own personal website that the days just slip on by...but I did finally get a little time to devote to working a tiny bit on the dollhouse again.
I papered the walls, and carpeted the living room. I made a sofa (it's not done in this still has some trim to go, and the seat cushions). I framed the beautiful little Monet that my friend Dale (dales dreams) sent me. And if you click on this picture to make it bigger you can see some of the other things that my friends have sent...the candles and the little pink fairy frog on the fireplace mantle are from my friend Sandi (Whimsy Cottage Minis), and the wagon wheel with the vines is from my friend Cath (Golden Unicorn Miniatures). My friend Carol (Blue Kitty Miniatures) also sent me a gift all the way from the UK! It's a gorgeous little herbal magic book, but I haven't got the right place to display it yet, so it's still tucked away in a safe place, along with the other things that will eventually grace these rooms.
If you get a chance to look at my new website, I'd appreciate knowing what you think!